Super Mega Podcast Giveaway

One of the top 10 greatest things in my life happened recently. And no I didn't finally find pants that fit. I won the Married Gamers Super Mega Podcast Giveaway! If you're wondering what that means, click the link or look at the amazeballs pictures on my SkyDrive!!!

Go give a listen to the episode where Chris and Kelly talk to me about winning. It's full of PAX goodness. And me winning. A Xbox.



Walking Dead Survival Instinct Review

First of all I would like to thank Redbox for sending me a free one nights game rental code, effectively making the cost of adding this game to my #yearoffinishinggames list a whole $4.33.  Now, whether this game is worth almost $5 is another story altogether.  As it stands right now, it was roughly $1 per hour of gameplay, which is a pretty good return on the investment.  If you paid $60, I feel sorry for you.  But, if you bought this game blindly, you only have yourself to blame.

I'm not going to try argue that The Walking Dead Survival Instinct is a good game.  I'm also not saying it's the worst game I've ever played.  As other reviewers have stated, it has some good ideas that obviously didn't get the development time they deserved. What is there isn't terrible but it's not phenomenal either.  It's what you should have expected if you followed any press on this game.

I do have to give credit to Survival Instinct for giving me a genuine scare.  I was in a level where I was going through a hospital looking for some penicillin for Merle.  Since it was my first time through the level (meaning I hadn't died cheaply and been sent back to the start of the level) I was checking in every room trying to find the medicine.  I probably checked 10+ rooms when I hit X to open a door and the music came up and a zombie was in my face, giving me an adrenaline rush and a wet spot on my pants!  I went through the little minigame and stabbed him in the face, then had to pause the game to collect myself.

I think it may be because the level was so mundane and repetitive that it made the scare that much more effective or maybe it was because up until then I was just going through the motions of going room to room mindlessly.  Either way, I had never been so genuinely scared by a game up until then.

I also have to give credit to Survival Instinct because it does a good job of creating tension and making you truly feel in danger.  When I saw a small group of zombies I knew I could take them out without getting myself killed.  When I saw any more than 4 or 5, it made me act that much more deliberately because I did not want to have to confront that many with my limited supplies.

Speaking of that, stopping for supplies is almost always not worth the trouble.  They are scarce.  And sending your survivors out to look for supplies during missions almost always ends in their deaths.

My other main gripe with Survival Instinct is how far in the game you have to get before you get your crossbow.  We're talking having to get almost halfway through before you finally get it.  Aside from the end sequence where you finally get an assault rifle to mow down zombies with extreme prejudice, the crossbow is the most satisfying thing in the game.  I found a total of 6 bolts and ended up with 1 at the end of the game due to missing my target and losing the bolt.  When I was down to one, I just had to switch back to the melee combat I relied on in the first half of the game, which was a downer.

For all its faults, Survival Instinct does some things I like.  For instance, it doesn't wear out its welcome.  Listen, I'm 37 years old.  I don't have time to sit through all the artificial game lengthening driving sequences or protracted cut-scenes that a lot of games throw into the mix to show off their development prowess.  I want to get in and get out and experience a story with characters that I enjoy.

My recommendation is to snag this at Redbox or wait till it hits the $10 bin at Best Buy.  I would say give it a rent if you're into the TV show at all.  Don't be like me and wait to play Lost: Via Domus until...well...whenever I get around to playing it.


The Hairy Taquito Episode

A new episode is here! After a short absence, we're back talking about the year of finishing games, Honey Boo Boo, and hairy taquitos. We have a little hiccup in the beginning, but everything came out alright in the end! Thanks for listening and let's go sheootin'!

Get the AIDS here and get the diabetus there.

The Google Hangout Episode


We tried doing a video podcast using Google+ and the hangout feature. Here are the results!

The OXM Flashback Episode

We're flashing you again! This time it's not in that creepy way we usually do it. It's with the past! This flashback recounts the tale of Phoenix getting into OXM magazine and all the fun that ensues. This is why we say "OXM?" randomly. We will be back with more Uncanny Gamer newness. Until then, enjoy this little piece of history in .mp3 format!

Zuma here and Katamari there!

The Birthday Episode


This is a big moment in podcasting, heck the whole world! Gemin Ace and Phoenix have hit a milestone! 6 years of podcasting goodness! We owe it all to our loyal fans. We've had a great time and in this show we continue to strive for the best show ever! We talk about current games, strange drinks, and who's getting what phone. It's amazing! HAPPY MINNOW!

The Birthday Episode

The Behind the Tiles Episode

HELLO WORLD! In this new episode Gemini Ace and Phoenix explore the horizons of the big Lone Star State and take a crazy road trip to Dallas! We attend the "Behind the Tiles" marketing expo of sorts and Gemini Ace is an Expert! We dive into the freaks, the prizes, and the beautiful Lumia 900. 9000? Jeff Goldblum? Who knows! As always thanks for listening and go get a Windows phone you queer! 