Uncanny Merchandise!

I took some time this morning to set up a Cafe Press store for the podcast. I put our awesome logo on some cool stuff in case anybody wants to sport our logo on their body or something. Personally, I want a mug for work so I can walk around at work like Lumberg.

Anyway, drop us a line if you buy anything.


The Violence Episode

Surprise! Special solo show by Gemini! He talks all about violence and babies, 1 Vs 100, Garfunkel, and how to spend free Microsoft Points. Come for the comedy, stay for the jokes!

Opening song by Weezer. Closing song by Ke$ha. That middle thing is for you to figure out.

Listen now and subscribe!


The Autotune Episode

This episode brings the pain! T-Pain that is! We play catch up on our favorite tv shows, black Friday, and our contest. We also use autotune to take the show to the next level! Raunchay!
Listen now and subscribe!!!


The So Low Episode

This is a short episode with just Gemini at the helm. He's talking about Guitar Hero again, so proceed with caution! There's also a little ODST talk thrown in for good measure. And if you're wondering where the special surprise is that was promised at the end of the show? It's right behind this one as it's own little file. Thanks for listening!

Listen now and subscribe!


The Big Contest Episode

We've got an extra strength episode to cure what ails ya! We chat about Halo Wars, Scribblenauts, Twilight, and iPhones. We even have a special guest appearance by KBB! We also announce a contest where you can win either Tower Bloxx or Puppy Palooza! Listen to find out how to enter. It almost made us forget about tacos!

Opening music by Pearl Jam.

Ending music by Bowling For Soup.

Listen and subscribe!

The Explosive Gel Episode

We're back and more explosive than ever! Gemini and Phoenix talk about Resident Evil 5, Batman Arkham Asylum, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 and Halo 3 ODST. As always we spice things up with talk of stupid television shows, pedophiles, why Batman is such a moron, and what you can do to contribute to the show! We look forward to playing online with you in Halo 3 ODST and keep on listening!

Listen now and subscribe!


The ODST Roadtrip Episode

ROADTRIP! This episode we take the long 20 minute drive to our local Gamestop and partake in some early ODST action! We got briefed on the game, then jumped into Firefight mode. It was awesome! Then we got treated like royalty at Panera Bread. Best day ever!

Music by MC Supernatural.

Download the show now and subscribe!


The Batarang Episode

This episode is all about what we've been playing. We talk about Batman, The Summer of Arcade, and avatars. We also have a voicemail from our good buddy, Knightslayer777! It's the only podcast you'll ever need!

Download the show and subscribe!


Call Us!

The Uncanny Gamers now have voicemail! Leave us a message and if it's good enough we might just play it on the show. And let's face it, it doesn't have to be that good to make it. I mean, have you heard our show?!


I'm assuming long distance charges apply so ask your mom before you call. Or if you want me to ask her, I can. She's right here.

More Gamer Stand Up

Is it just me, or are people getting stupider? No where is this more apparent than jumping into a match of Halo 3. It never fails when I jump into a social match, people call me out for one reason or another. And they always say my name wrong. As if I've somehow spelled it in some strange way. As far as I know, the word Gemini has been around for a few years. I didn't' make it up. But somehow, I'm always referred to as Gee-mini. Like I'm mini. I actually had a kid who couldn't have been more than 12 tell some other guy who was probably in his twenties how to say it...INCORRECTLY!

"Look, it says Gee-mini." "Oh", the guys says. He actually had said it right and was shot down by the kid.


Then, once we were in the map, both of them called me a fag for not helping them and not killing the guys killing them.

What amazes me is the fact that people resort to all sorts of misspellings in order to have a unique gamertag. They use 1337 speak, they insert little x's between each letter of their name. And somehow, when we're in a game, everyone gets called by the right name. "Hey, P33intheshower, pick me and xTHExMADxMANx up in the Warthog!" Meanwhile, I get "hey, gee-mini ass!" I mean, I appreciate people saying I have a mini ass, but still.

The Homo Episode

Hey everybody! We're back and more homosexual that ever! As we inch closer and closer to Gemini Ace coming out of the closet we talk about fast food, GameStop's lameness, The Sims 3, games, games and more games! It's cluster of odds and ends as Gemini Ace and Phoenix ponder the mysteries of the universe!
Thanks for listening and check out our forums!

Music by Shinedown.

The Boring Ass Episode

Gemini is solo this week and on the road. He talks about Guitar Hero, The Punisher No Mercy, and PS3 pricing. Enjoy!

Listen now and subscribe!

The Dead Celeb Episode

The Uncanny Gamers Episode 8 is up: The Dead Celeb episode. Go check it out on iTunes. It's a long one so bring snacks! We talk about dead celebs, Iran, Twitter wars, You're in the Movies and other old games, reading books, and the usual stuff that makes everyone love to hate us. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Music by Incubus.

Listen now or subscribe!

Forums Are Live!

Angry Phoenix is angry!

Why is she angry? You haven't joined the forums yet!

But since they've just gone live, she has agreed not to crush your head under her mail truck. For now.

So, get signed up and start posting. These topics ain't gonna start themselves, you know!

Uncanny forums over here!

The E3 Episode

It's only been a week and we're back! E3 just blew our minds, so we're talking all about it. From Project Natal to Women's Murder Club, we have you covered.

Also, leave your comments on our new upcoming VS. segment. Who would win in a fight to the death, The Maw or The Blob?

Music by Blue October.

Listen now!

The Over Here Episode

This episode we talk about peripherals, E3, and garage sales. There's even points to be had if you have the intestinal fortitude to make it to the end. Thanks for listening!

Music by Green Day.

The InFamous Episode

Gemini is solo this episode. He's trying something a little different. The verdict is still out on how successful it will be. Much like his attempts at sobriety. Thanks for listening!

Music: Street Sweeper Social Club

The Stand-Up Episode

Hey guys! We're back and longer than ever! This week we talk about bacon, Texans, games and things being too expensive and take a stab at stand up comedy. It's guaranteed to be enjoyable! Thanks for listening and keep on working on those jokes!

Music by Cake.

Jim Gaffigan.

Listen now!




Phoenix and I have been featured on @carocat's Twitlight series. It's a cool thing she does to spotlight her interesting followers on Twitter. Check us out!

The Milk and Cookies Episode

This episode is filled with talk of movies, iPhone games, and milk!

Listen now and subscribe!

The Zombie Episode

This episode is all about zombie games. Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, and Halo Wars! Lolz!

Music this week is called Wars by Hurt.

Listen now and subscribe!

The Boil Episode

Episode 2 of The Uncanny Gamers is live. We talk about why games aren't translated into tv shows, the resurgence of the fighting game, and midgets.

Give it a listen here or subscribe to the right.

This Is Hard Work

So, we now have the feed set up and our listing in iTunes working. We're not using the same host as the first episode, although the first episode is on our new feed. It's all very confusing and strangely arousing.

Click to the right and subscribe to us, please!

The Uncanny Gamers 1: The Meth Episode

This is the first episode of the Uncanny Gamers Podcast. Try it. Like it. Love it!

Listen now!