The Halo Flashback Episode

This episode is short on comedy but it makes up for it in the sheer amount of Halo talk. We're flashing back again this week to when Halo 3 was new and we were a few years younger. Looking back, it's surprising how much we seem to dislike the game back in those early days. Now, with Halo Reach less than six months away and the Beta starting on May 3rd, our excitement is whipped up to a frenzy!

Download the past and subscribe to the future!


The Return of KBB Show

It's another episode of the Uncanny Gamers, and we have some suprises in store here for you! In this show it's Phoenix and KBB and we have some funny topics. We cover recent gameplay, Borderlands, bad movies and read the famous Crusty_Dustbag's tweets courtsey of KBB and he even sets up his own Twitter account. It's new. It's different. It's wild and crazy. It's the Uncanny Gamers! Did you expect any less?!?

The Phoenix Solo Show

Hey everyone! It's Phoenix again, I I just wanted to let you all know that the new episode of The Uncanny Gamers is up! It's just a solo show with me and isn't as long, but I think you'll really enjoy topics such as Borderlands, Bewitched, the post office, GameCrush, the internets and many other things. Let me know what you think of my first solo attempt!

XOXO Phoenix

Download and subscribe!


GameCrush VIP invitation

Hey everyone! I got this in the mail today and I know all of you are dying to log on to the new GameCrush site and start giving me all of your money. It seems like the site is still having some problems and won't be totally fixed for a bit longer, but since I'm the only PlayDate that has showed up so far they sent me a special link with the VIP site where you can go in and start getting your game on already. Just wanted to share that with you guys and have fun, be safe, don't give out any personal information and try not to sound like Gemini Ace did on the end of the last podcast. Talk to you soon, and be looking for some new stuff out of the Uncanny Gamers!

XOXO Phoenix

GameCrush VIP Site

The GameCrush Episode

Want to know what a 10 minute play date set up via sounds like? We got it. Want to know our podcast listening habits? We tell you. Want to feel like you've been hugged by a zombie? Come on over! Phoenix and Gemini are bringing an extra long episode this week, and it's packed with more candy than a pinata on El Nino day!

Download here and subscribe thattaway!


Unsung Heroes - The Boob Modeler

The other day I was thinking about the guy that gets to model the boobs in major video game releases. You know, the guy that works with Tomonobu Itagaki for months on end trying to get the jiggle in Kasumi's blouse just right. The guy that spends 60 hours a week on one boob in Soul Calibur. I was thinking, is this guy happy?

You can imagine that getting that job is either a gift or a curse. I can see the guys around the office drawing straws to determine who gets to work on titty physics for the next three years. I just wonder if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I suppose that what you're rooting for (short or long straw) entirely depends on your love of the boob. Of course, it's possible to be a boob lover, but not want that job at all.

I'm talking about the gynecologist problem. Why else do guys go into gynecology except to see lady bits all day? It's got to be a pretty exciting time, getting into medical school, graduating, and then opening up a practice. Then, after a week and 30 or so very hairy appointments, the realization has to set in that this is what you're going to be doing for a very long time.

This has to be what the boob guy goes through. The first couple months are great. Researching nipples on the internet. Buying Juggs magazine and being able to write it off. Watching Baywatch. Then, just like when you say a word over and over, the boob loses it's meaning. It's just another pixelated blob.

I feel for this guy. If there's an unsung hero in the gaming industry, it's him. He presses his face between those cold, computerized mammaries and motorboats the hell out of them, just so we can enjoy Dead or Alive Paradise the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

With one hand.


Guitar Hero Led Zeppelin Announced!

GH:LZ comes with 16 songs on the disc, and full album DLC on day one. Each album will be $20. Stairway to Heaven will be its own download and cost $7 by itself. Money from the sales of Stairway will go directly to Activision.

GH:LZ drops this holiday season. The Special Edition will cost $299 and include a code to download Stairway for free.
