The Red Dead Episode

This Memorial Day weekend we're doing on thing and one thing only. Skinning birds, horses and whores in Red Dead Redemption! Our official word is this game is awesome! Our resident reviewer, DiabeticDood, takes it one step further with a full review. Other things we talk about are Mirror's Edge, the PS3 and Lost. It's full of good times and KBB7769!

Listen via telegraph here and subscribe via stagecoach there.

Opening music by Dirty Heads.


I Just Unfollowed My Own Murderer

In this movie, Angelina Jolie plays a woman that gets called for jury duty. The man on trial has pleaded guilty, so all that remains is the sentencing. The jury deliberates, all the while getting to know each other and exchanging their Facebook and Twitter information. The sentence they hand down is twenty years without the possibility of parole.

A few years pass. Jolie keeps in contact with a few of the members, and also remains friends with the rest through social networking online. One day she gets a Facebook message from one of her fellow jury members with a link to a news story. The man they sentenced to prison has escaped!

At first she doesn't think much of it. The police will catch him, she thinks. During this time she gains a few followers on Twitter as well as a few new friends on Facebook. This is nothing new. What she doesn't know is one of her new followers is the man she helped send to jail. Then, on the 3rd day after learning of his escape, she gets a message from the husband of the juror that sent her the story. She's dead. A car accident. Was this pure coincidence or something sinister?

Angelina meets with her few juror friends she has kept in close contact with. They have lunch and discuss the possibility of the man tracking down and killing them one by one. During that lunch, they all receive text messages with the same link. It takes them to a newspaper article about the man they put in prison. It includes information they were not aware of at the time of the trial, like how his IQ is genius level and how he is also mentally unstable. They leave their lunch scared for their lives.

As the movie moves on, we see the man planning his kills with startling efficiency, all thanks to the information he's able to gather from Facebook and Twitter. By following and friending the jurors, he takes them out one at a time. Our group of internet savvy juror friends see updates come through their feeds about the deaths, and come to realize that their lives are in grave danger. This continues until only the 3 of them remain.

A trip to the police station ends in them staying at Jolie's house (she has a big 4 bedroom monster of a house even though she's single and doesn't seem to have a job) with a police car sitting outside guarding them. As the night wears on and they monitor their profiles, they get sleepy and end up passing out in the living room, laptops open and cell phones off the chargers.

They are startled awake by their phones receiving messages from Facebook. They each open the message to see the same picture. The outside of Jolie's house! One of them attempts to call the policeman in the car outside (he was hitting on her while he gave her his number), another message comes in, this time via Twitter and Twitpic. It's of the officer she's trying to call. He's been shot in the head!

Screams ensue.

The group runs up stairs and barricades themselves in Angelina's huge master bedroom. They grab makeshift weapons like a candelabra and letter opener. Tense moments pass. They only have Angelina's phone with them and the battery is almost dead. As they refresh Facebook and Twitter, one more picture pops up. It's of her bedroom door. Then the battery dies, leaving them to tremble in fear.

He busts down the door and attacks them. He's able to wound the two friends, leaving Jolie alone to fight for her life. The fight ends with him flying out the second story window and landing on a lawn jockey. Jolie looks out the window at the grizzly scene and says "Consider yourself unfollowed, bitch."


Some other working titles for this movie are:
  • Follow Friday and Die!
  • Retweet of Doom
  • Retweet Your Own Death
  • YouDeath
  • DeathVille
  • SlashWorld
  • Direct Message to Your Jugular
  • Your Murderer Likes Your Post
  • Prison Escapee Sent a Plight On Your Farm And a Knife To Your Back
  • Unfollowing The Guilty
  • Prosecution of Doom
  • Being a Juror On A Trial That Sentences a Guy To 20 Years in Prison, but He Breaks Out and Kills All The Jury Members (Save Three) By Using Social Networking Sites to Find Them...of Justice.
The idea for this movie is trademarked by Rane Pollock and Alana Pollock.


The GoogleFaceTwit Episode

We're back and offending every one of our loyal listeners! Both of them!! This episode we talk about movies, games, and jury duty. We especially talk about a certain someone who will remain nameless (Capn Awesome1). It's all in good fun! Just don't break out of prison and come kill us. Yet.

Laugh here and subscribe there!


Uncanny Reach Beta

@Phoenix8424 and I got to spend a little time playing the beta yesterday. We tore it up in there, getting some good kills and flag captures. Check out the screenshots below.

You can see our stats here and here.

And don't forget the montage!


12 Steps To Overcome L4D Addiction

According to the Center for On-Line Addiction, warning signs for L4D addiction include:

  • *Playing for increasing amounts of time (without sex)
  • *Thinking about gaming during other activities (including sex)
  • *Gaming to escape from real-life problems, anxiety, depression, (and sex)
  • *Lying to friends and family to conceal gaming (during sex)
  • *Feeling irritable when trying to cut down on gaming (and sex)

Physical signs of L4D addiction include:

  • *Carpal tunnel syndrome (from masturbating)
  • *Sleep disturbances (not sex)
  • *Back, neck aches
  • *Headaches (due to lack of sex)
  • *Dry eyes
  • *Failure to eat regularly or neglect personal hygiene

This 12 step program will help you overcome your L4D addiction and set you on the path to new and different games.

1. HONESTY: Admit that you, or your character (unless it's Coach), are powerless to overcome your addictions and that your life has become unmanageable as a result of Valve software.

2. HOPE: Come to believe that the power greater than ourselves or a bottle of pills can restore you to health. Zoe is not coming to revive you, either.

3. TRUST: Decide to turn your will and your life over to the care of your higher power and succumb to the witch for one last time.

4. TRUTH: Make a searching and fearless written moral inventory of yourself and your game library. How many remain unopened? How many remain neglected?

5. INTEGRITY: Admit to yourself, to a higher power, and another human being the exact nature of your wrongs. This can be via Facebook or Twitter.

6. CHANGE OF HEART: Become entirely ready to have a higher power remove all your characters and game saves. Deletion is the only answer.

7. HUMILITY: Humbly ask a higher power to remove your disc from your console.

8. BROTHERLY LOVE: Make a written list of all gamertags you have harmed with friendly fire and become willing to make restitution to them.

9. RESTITUTION AND RECONCILIATION: Wherever possible, make direct restitution to all gamers you have harmed via Microsoft Points, except when to do so would injure them or others addicted to the game.

10. ACCOUNTABILITY: Continue to take personal inventory of the DLC you've bought and never played, and when you are wrong promptly play it.

11. PERSEVERANCE: Ignore (and continue to ignore) your L4D friends list. Earnestly seek to understand your higher power, no matter who may be on Xbox Live any given day. Continue to give yourself credit for earnest effort, however imperfect or weepy.

12. SERVICE AND SPIRITUALITY: Having had a spiritual video game awakening as a result of these steps, share this message with others who excessively play L4D as a replacement for human touch and practice these principles in all you do.


It's Time For A Montage!

Mediocre Halo Reach Beta montage incoming!
