More Gamer Stand Up

Is it just me, or are people getting stupider? No where is this more apparent than jumping into a match of Halo 3. It never fails when I jump into a social match, people call me out for one reason or another. And they always say my name wrong. As if I've somehow spelled it in some strange way. As far as I know, the word Gemini has been around for a few years. I didn't' make it up. But somehow, I'm always referred to as Gee-mini. Like I'm mini. I actually had a kid who couldn't have been more than 12 tell some other guy who was probably in his twenties how to say it...INCORRECTLY!

"Look, it says Gee-mini." "Oh", the guys says. He actually had said it right and was shot down by the kid.


Then, once we were in the map, both of them called me a fag for not helping them and not killing the guys killing them.

What amazes me is the fact that people resort to all sorts of misspellings in order to have a unique gamertag. They use 1337 speak, they insert little x's between each letter of their name. And somehow, when we're in a game, everyone gets called by the right name. "Hey, P33intheshower, pick me and xTHExMADxMANx up in the Warthog!" Meanwhile, I get "hey, gee-mini ass!" I mean, I appreciate people saying I have a mini ass, but still.

The Homo Episode

Hey everybody! We're back and more homosexual that ever! As we inch closer and closer to Gemini Ace coming out of the closet we talk about fast food, GameStop's lameness, The Sims 3, games, games and more games! It's cluster of odds and ends as Gemini Ace and Phoenix ponder the mysteries of the universe!
Thanks for listening and check out our forums!

Music by Shinedown.

The Boring Ass Episode

Gemini is solo this week and on the road. He talks about Guitar Hero, The Punisher No Mercy, and PS3 pricing. Enjoy!

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